Game: Folklore
System: PlayStation 3

Users (Ars Nick links to profile):

Ars Nick PSN ID Time Zone
delf44 delf44
Deviation Deviation
endekks endekksUS
Faded Dream fadeddream
Gandhim3 Gandhim3 CST
Gradinko Gradinko
Gretyl Gretyl
hobbler ElectricMonk
Holy Sorcerer Holy_Sorcerer
Legendbyname Legendbyname
MephistoQC MephistoQC
MHT Gradior
Michael Buice Avalokita
mqatrombone mqatrombone CST
potatobreath potatobreath PST
serversurfer serversurfer CDT
Slacker SlackerCS
smikey Wendell_Vaughn EST
The ROB RJKovach EST
Village SpaZOO
Vorpal Bunny CDNwolverine
Zerot ARS_Zerot